Birthed in 2020, amid a world seemingly brought to a standstill, the series Good Conversation emerged as an expression of my personal response to the year’s unique challenges and an offering to the collective. The global pause invited us—individually and collectively—to reflect deeply on what truly mattered. This contemplative space birthed a virtual gathering ground: a live interview series where creatives shared their thoughts on art, the creative process, and the ways in which these pursuits intertwine with our desire for holistic well-being.
Working within the creative industry, I often found myself torn between two seemingly opposing paths: committing fully to the demands of my craft or prioritizing my wellness. 2020 offered a rare opportunity to examine this dichotomy. I realized that both art and health held profound significance for me, and rather than striving for perfect balance, I sought a way for them to coexist harmoniously. This realization became the foundation of Good Conversation.
The series aimed to build a community where meaningful engagement and honest dialogue could flourish. Through accessible and authentic exchanges, Good Conversation explored how creativity shapes and is shaped by our well-being—emotionally, mentally, and physically. By inviting creatives to share their journeys, challenges, and insights with a deeply engaged collective the series fostered a shared understanding and rich dialogue of what it means to live and create with intention.
At its heart, Good Conversation was a testament to the belief that art and wellness are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they can inform and elevate each other, creating space for a more sustainable and fulfilling creative life. Though I’ve chosen to temporarily pause the series, it was, and remains, a celebration of the power of connection and the enduring importance of thoughtful dialogue in challenging times.